Safety leadership is needed now more than ever during the current COVID-19 health crisis. We have witnessed examples of both great and poor leadership from many businesses, governments, and organizations during this pandemic. With the rapid changes taking place at home and work, many challenges are ahead that require leaders to develop new skills and strategies. Once past the immediate health issues, all must focus on the economic and financial impacts to recover.
What qualities inspire safety leadership that improve performance and profits? Are there replicable actions to create positive personal and company behaviors? Has research contributed to us better understanding the body, brain, and heart in how leadership characteristics are formed to achieve excellence? What is safety leadership? Does exceptional safety leadership increase performance and profits?
This article will not answer all the questions concerning the science and complexity of the body, brain, and heart. Rather, it provides a foundation and systematic approach for better outcomes by consciously making choices and decisions to acquire new patterns of individual and organizational behavior. The focus is to lead with your heart, command your brain, and do the right thing!
The human heart is the first organ to develop in an unborn child taking only 3 weeks inside a mother’s womb and supports the brains ability to think and control our body’s autonomic functions like breathing. Oxygen is essential for us to live and without air we die. The heart pumps blood through our lungs to get oxygen as we breathe. Oxford dictionary defines inspire as: “fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially something creative, breathe in (air); inhale.”
Breathing is the essence of life and essential to good safety leadership. Medical studies demonstrate a powerful connection between our breath and the ability to handle stress. Optimal breathing is a full, free, and uninhibited inhalation from the diaphragm, one that fills our lungs, oxygenates our blood, and energizes us. Our breath is the only part of the autonomic nervous system we control, and one of the few things we can easily access to shift the way we are thinking or feeling to calm and restore ourselves. Consciously breathing and mindful thought takes practice and makes a meaningful difference in safety leadership performance.
In The HeartMath Solution, Doc Childre and Howard Martin hypothesize “Moving beyond what we’ve been able to prove through science, …the heart links us to a higher intelligence through an intuitive domain where humanness and spirt merge. … listen to and follow the wisdom of the heart. … the heart is involved in understanding yourself, people and life. … our years of experience, practice, and research tell us that the heart is the doorway to this union.” Heart intelligence is the ability to better regulate emotions leading to improved health and enhanced mental functioning. The HeartMath techniques deepen qualities long associated with the heart – compassion, courage, joy, love, strength, and wisdom. These are all personal qualities of successful safety leadership.
Safety leadership is the ability to influence or inspire yourself and others in taking actions toward a common goal. It is about raising standards, being an example that fosters positive behaviors to be modeled, and getting things done by walking the talk. Identifying and meeting needs rather than wants. Leadership is a learned set of skills that start by leading yourself and extended to help others.
Foundations for Safety Leadership was developed by The Center for Construction Research and Training in partnership with many construction stakeholders and subject matter experts and summarizes the acronym LEADER to help foremen and supervisors become more effective. Lead by example Engage and empower team members Actively listen and practice 3-way communication DEvelop team members through teaching, coaching, & feedback Recognize team members for going above and beyond for safety
My 40+ years of experience and antidotal evidence on what qualities inspire safety leadership are best identified by CLP’s. The C’s are Coaching, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Consistency, and Courage. The L’s are Laughing, Learning, Leveraging, Listening, Living and Loving. The P’s are Passion, Patience, Perseverance, Planning, Preparation, Practice, and Performance. Mastering CLP’s will boost individual and organizational Profits.
A coach sets the standards to build individuals and winning teams by practicing techniques that enhance performance. In sports, performing arts, and business great coaches are passionate about leadership and is the fuel that ignites working hard. Mike Krzyzewski says, “In all forms of leadership, whether you are a coach, a CEO, or a parent, there are four words that, when said, can bring out the best in your team, your employees, and your family. I BELIEVE IN YOU. Those four words can mean the difference between a fear of failure and the courage to try.” Construction is a dangerous business requiring the same devotion to mental and physical health and safety as any sport. Workers involved are athletes executing at different levels and require the same dedication to fundamental principles.
Collaboration is like cooperation with two or more people working together. In leadership, it is combining individuals and groups striving towards shared goals. Organizational culture, leadership and managerial practices can either hinder or nurture collaboration. Collaboration is most beneficial when organizations work to complete a task or achieve an objective. Collaboration requires actively involved safety leaders functioning with their team members that execute with many others to access greater resources, recognition, and rewards.
Commitment is a quality of safety leadership by being dedicated to an activity, belief, or cause. It is a willingness to apply your abilities and energy to a job and outcome you believe in. Commitment is looking for a better way to do something and then doing it. Safety leaders choose to make every moment count and view each day as an opportunity to learn and master new skills that furthers their purpose. Successful safety leadership flows from having a commitment to positive attitudes and smart decision making.
Communication is one of the most important aspects of leadership especially now. It is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behaviors. Communication involves at least one sender, a message, and a recipient. Empathetic, honest, and constant communication will have the greatest benefit during a time of crisis. Safety leaders must communicate they understand fears, feelings, and thoughts with current information and factual knowledge. The message can be affected by a huge range of things, including emotions, culture, location, and the medium used to communicate. Proficient communication skills are the key for effective safety leadership that takes a great deal of patience and practice.
Consistency in action and conduct is accord, regularity, and steadfastness free from contradiction demonstrating conformity to belief, character, and profession. Safety leadership requires a track record of success and is challenging if constantly trying new tactics. Many safety leaders fail not because tactics were flawed or goals unclear, the problem is often that the team simply did not stay the course to achieve the objective. Consistent safety leadership is saying what you will do and then doing what you say. This serves as a model for behavior as people pay more attention to what you do than what you say. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Well done is better than well said.”
Courage is having emotional, mental, and moral strength to persevere, venture, and withstand danger, difficulty, or fear with potential of disapproval, failure, grief, and pain. Courageous safety leaders take risks that go against the grain of their organizations. They make brave decisions with possibility for positive change, and their boldness energizes and inspires their teams. Brene Brown, author of Dare to Lead: Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts describes courage as making decisions in the face of uncertainty, risk, emotional exposure, and vulnerability. Leaders exhibit courageous leadership when they are willing to be vulnerable – they’re “all in” – even though it means they may fail. Courage comes from the heart. As Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh said, “The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.”
Laughing at ourselves with a forgiving sense of humor is critical. The saying that “laugher is the best medicine” is supported by recent studies that it releases endorphins, serotonin, and protects blood vessels and the heart muscle by reducing inflammation and stress. When we laugh at our faults, imperfections, and vulnerabilities this self-realization allows us to better appreciate unique beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values of individuals to become more accepting with others. Laughter helps leaders form social bonds by promoting a sense of togetherness and safety. Empathy and humor are powerful mechanisms to help embrace differences and understand human behaviors in making a connection.
Learning is being curious and constantly challenging our self to create new skills for growth and improvement. Asking quality questions about assumptions to stimulate critical thinking and problem solving distinguishes a safety leader, not always having the answers. Personal growth is propelled when we are pushed outside our comfort zone and requires perseverance to overcome obstacles. Having an accomplished safety leadership mentor and role model encourages continual improvement to prepare the mentee for new opportunities.
Leveraging collective abilities and talents is the key to teamwork. A team is as strong as its’ combination of experience, knowledge, and capacity. Most have heard that “there is no I in team.” While phonetically correct, this is inaccurate as a team is comprised of I’s working toward a common goal, and there is always more than one “I” in winning. What differentiates individual talents can be leveraged to benefit organizational safety. When looking at consistently great teams in business and sports, this is demonstrated by exceptional coaches and leaders shaping diverse employees and players into a cohesive group. In his book Leading with the Heart, Coach K says, “I believe a big part of leadership is about winning the moment.”
Listening is one of the most important skills to master taking a lot of clarification, effort, and repetition with huge upside potential. This is the foundation upon which relationships and trust are built. Research advocates understanding verbal and interpreting nonverbal communication as having the greatest ability to influence a person’s leadership potential. When safety leaders listen with an open heart and intuitive mind, they better understand deeper emotions, feelings and meanings communicated in many forms of body language, facial expression, gestures, and words to make deep and lasting connections with others.
Living defined by is “having life; being alive; active or thriving; vigorous; strong.” It is my belief that people live fully when leading an active, authentic, engaged, grateful and joyous life filled with contribution to help those they interact with. There is a pervasive attitude that our lives should be easy and effortless without problems. Unfortunately, there is little appreciation for recognition and rewards with the absence of challenges. Exceptional safety leaders live bravely embracing difficulties and obstacles courageously as opportunities to improve on vulnerabilities while always striving to be the best version of themselves.
Loving is synonymous with safety leadership and flows from a passion of your life’s purpose. There are many who claim there is a new leadership style called “Servant Leadership.” Arguably, this is not new but a renewal of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Love is commitment, forgiveness, honesty, humbleness, humility, kindness, patience, respectfulness, and selflessness. We first need to love ourselves before we can accept that we are loved and love others. Similarly, safety leaders must lead them self before accepting the role and responsibility to safely lead others.
Passion is an internal desire giving the ability to be inspired and motivated into action. Passion is the core of excellence to guide your life mission and vision. It is a state of mind that enhances attitude, achievement, creativity, effort, energy, ideas, innovation, and satisfaction with little room for disruptions and distractions. Passion is important for leaders to focus their energy that resonate genuinely with others. Safety leaders help their team members identify passion in areas of responsibility that stimulates advancement. Passion and vision combined are the driving force for safety leaders to gain and maintain influence that inspire people. Leaders understand effective communication calls for both passion and vision. Passionate communication is authentic, convincing, and unpretentious.
“Patience is a virtue” are words of wisdom. In leadership, it is the capacity to be steadfast and accept adversity, difficulty, opposition, and setbacks without getting angry or upset. Having patience means remaining calm especially when raising expectations in teaching yourself and others new concepts, methods, or systems. Patience is easy to talk about but difficult to exercise, requiring composure and character. Safety leaders recognize patience allows time to evaluate situations and understand what is needed for appropriate and effective action. Patience does not mean ignoring short-term goals but focus on long-term outcomes. Many safety tasks require patience like developing people, plans, and programs.
Perseverance is continued actions and efforts to achieve something important despite failure, opposition, or problems. Safety leadership is full of adversities with perseverance as the key to overcoming obstacles. Perseverance is having passion and determination to not give in, never give up, nor ever quit on goals which are difficult to achieve. Being a good safety leader is demanding that require many skills and traits boiling down to perseverance. The entire concept of leadership loses significance without perseverance. A safety leader must develop perseverance from within and this helps achieve success. Safety leadership is a journey that wins rewards staying committed to values and beliefs demonstrated by actions.
“Failing to plan is planning to fail,” and “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” These famous quotes are tried and true. As a safety leader, it’s your responsibility to provide thoughtful planning and actions that identifies threats and reduces risks. Safety leaders must evaluate their organizational, operational, and people’s strengths and weaknesses that present growth opportunities. By planning short-term objectives with a long-term vision, safety leaders can achieve the desired results to eliminate barriers that minimize risks and maximize rewards. A safety leaders plan must be realistic, specific, actionable, measurable, and clearly communicate what is expected by all involved. The plan needs to be committed and focused, yet flexible in approach to change for contingencies.
As the saying goes, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Preparation is the key to efficient leadership that demands personal accountability and organizational responsibility with many interdependent factors. Safety leaders can never stop being accountable and proactive to them self with an obligation for
others. Safety leadership is not about managing processes, it is about people. Being prepared for the unexpected is what you are ultimately held answerable for as a safety leader, to continually think, make decisions, and boldly move forward. Safety leaders must be decision-makers and genuinely great safety leaders learn how to use their strengths to prepare themselves to solve problems.
“Practice, practice, practice.” When it comes to safety leadership development, this transition does not occur because it is an organizational ambition. People can learn to be better leaders, and like all learning this takes tremendous commitment, practice, and time. Leaders must learn and practice new skills to become more confident and competent. Attending safety leadership presentations and reading about the subject is not enough. Learning leadership principles is not the same as learning to lead. They go together, but you must be able to demonstrate in actions not just knowledge. Leadership proficiency requires vigilance and hard work by trying and failing, and trying again, and so on. Becoming a better safety leader takes courage and resolve as making mistakes is inevitable when learning new methods. Leaders acknowledge their shortcomings, continue to learn from their mistakes, and keep working to sharpen the necessary skills.
Performance refers to how well a person and/or company does their activity or job. It is execution of planned action accomplishing specific abilities and proficiencies. Safety leaders will improve performance by aligning personal and organizational behavior, culture, and strategy that deliver preferred outcomes. Accountability at all levels help define priorities that increase performance and satisfaction. Clarity around a common purpose provides an understanding of how people contribute to success and motivates them towards achieving it. Leadership that is accountable and clear drives continuous improvement through systematic development, implementation, and performance reviews which are essential to do on a regular basis. The best safety leaders step forward and lead because of personal actions, authority, confidence, influence, and knowledge, not hierarchical power.
Profit describes the personal reward, satisfaction, and sometimes financial benefit attained when generated from an activity. It is a positive exchange in value for services rendered worth the expense or effort. In safety leadership, it is a valuable return for the ability to earn a right, recognition, or position through experience and hard work with respect to reliability and results. The connection between leadership and the bottom line is realized when people are inspired to perform at a higher level that increases organizational excellence, productivity, and profits. Safety leadership culminates by having the core competencies in specific areas to focus on the attitudes and behaviors which matter most.
To inspire safety leadership and improve performance, safety leaders must be actively engaged and implement CLP’s. Effective safety leadership relies on dedicated coaching, collaboration, commitment, communication, consistency, and courage. Excellent safety leaders laugh with a forgiving sense of humor, learn to better understand themselves and others, leverage collective skills and talents, listen for deeper meaning and connection, live with gratitude and joy, and love their life purpose as examples of behaviors to be modeled. World-class safety leaders provide passion, patience, perseverance, planning, preparation, practice, and performance that generates sustainable profits.
Knowing safety leadership concepts, quotes, and slogans is not enough. There are thousands of leadership articles, authors, books, experts, presentations, seminars, trainings, and websites. Some in leadership positions think merely quoting recognized authorities is adequate; sadly, this falls well short to leading people, companies and organizations. A safety leader must act by practicing and applying these CLP principles to improve their proficiency. The key is not knowing what to do, it is consistently doing what you know. The timeless motto that “actions speak louder than words” is critical for effective safety leaders.
Moreover, some mistakenly think leadership is about being kumbaya and popular. Safety leaders make tough calls of what is best and needed for all concerned as opposed to what is desired and favored by a few. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” is an appropriate saying when it comes to exceptional leadership.
Many companies have banners and signs saying “Safety First” but put production and profits first. This is not only dangerous to the health and safety of their people; it is short sighted. A company’s production schedule and profitability will suffer far worse whenever there is a serious accident, injury, or fatality and subsequent investigations. The small gains made by unsafe work practices in the name of production do not compare to the long-term direct cost increases of insurance premiums and indirect costs in poor employee attitude, morale, and quality.
There is a persuasive shift with some leadership and parenting models promoting entitlement attitudes to make things easily attainable. In my opinion, achievement without challenges and obstacles to overcome is detrimental to both personal and professional development. Leadership is not easy and will test a person’s ability to find solutions in the face of opposition when few are readily available and visible.
I have personally witnessed permissive managers attempt to lead organizations by allowing deficiencies, excuses, and exceptions by a few of the team members, rather than holding all individuals accountable to expected standards. Of course, this led to damaging and divisive consequences for their organization’s survival. Facing this economic downturn, elevating expectations for survival is paramount.
Safety leadership is not the same as management. There are plenty of safety managers who are poor safety leaders, and many safety leaders who are not in management positions. Management is about procedures, processes, resources, and things. Safety leadership is about guidance, influence, and inspiration to elevate and motivate yourself and other people toward a common goal.
A McKinsey study of 189,000 businesspeople concluded that 4 leadership qualities account for 89% of leadership effectiveness: Be supportive, strong results orientation, seek different perspectives, and solve problems effectively. Inspiring safety leadership is not the same as managing resources and schedules, it involves activities such as being present, visible, focusing on people not profits, building trust and influencing behaviors. Outstanding safety leaders understand their leadership is an essential complement to company management and have a passion and vision for safety in their organization.
In Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek, Lt. General George Flynn says, “I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led.” Sinek discusses the “Circle of Safety” that leaders need to create conditions where employees feel safe to work. Employees should not worry about their organization and focus on external threats. Sinek explains the impact four different chemicals have on people in the workplace. These chemicals are Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin (E.D.S.O.). Endorphins and dopamine are the selfish chemicals that help satisfy our reward system and keep us on task. Serotonin and Oxytocin are the selfless chemicals essential for the circle of safety. With a proper balance of these chemicals, the individual is protected as well as the group.
Neurological Science has conducted several experiments to isolate a part of the brain responsible for behaviors, habits, learning and memory. These focus on the Basil Ganglia and the 3 core elements of the “Habit Loop”: the cue or stimulus, the routine or habit, and the reward. By focusing on the routine or habit, old behaviors and habits can be replaced with new ones, while the cue or stimulus and reward remain unchanged.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg cites several case studies that led to breakthroughs in understanding memory and forming habits. In one, a woman named Lisa wanted to make changes in her life and decided to find one thing she could control. He states, “She needed a goal in her life…something to work toward…she needed something to focus on…That one small shift in Lisa’s perception… the conviction to accomplish her goal had touched off a series of changes that would ultimately radiate out to every part of her life. One set of neurological patterns, her old habits, had been overridden by new patterns…As Lisa’s habits changed, so had her brain. Lisa focused on changing just one habit…By focusing on one pattern, what is known as a Keystone Habit, Lisa taught herself how to reprogram the other automatic routines in her life…”
There are two keys to new habits. First, is the “Golden Rule” that “You can’t extinguish a bad habit; you can only change it.” Second, you need a belief or support system that change is possible. This belief system can be spiritual, like god, or a support group, or an internal force of believing in yourself.
Duhigg further explores organizations, saying, “It’s not just individuals who are capable of such shifts. When companies focus on changing habits, whole organizations transform. Firms such as Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Alcoa, and Target seized on this insight to influence how work gets done, how employees communicate, and without customers realizing it, the way people shop.”
Under Paul O’Neil’s leadership, Alcoa Aluminum, became the top Dow Jones Industrial Average performer focusing on worker safety as their top priority. He was the Chairman and CEO from 1987-1999 and improving Alcoa’s safety record, took the Aluminum manufacturing company sales from $3 billion in 1986 to 27.53 billion in 2000, and increased net income from $200 million to over 1.4 billion. His goal was clear, committed, and focused: “make Alcoa the safest company in the nation with zero injuries.” According to Working Knowledge, Business Research for Business Leaders, O’Neil stated, “I was prepared to accept the consequences of spending whatever it took to become the safest company in the world.”
Tony Dungy, head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from 1996-2001, focused on his players habits of automatically reacting to on field ques that improved one of the worst NFL football teams to win a Super Bowl in 2002. As head coach of the Indianapolis Colts from 2002-2008, he became the first African American to win a Super Bowl in 2006. Dungy said, “The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members and workers better.” In 2010, Tony Dungy released the book The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently. He says, “Your only job is to help your players be better.” “Engage, educate, equip, encourage, empower, energize, and elevate. Those are the methods for maximizing the potential of any individual, team, organization, or institution for ultimate success and significance. Those are the methods of a mentor leader.” Dungy inspired players to be part of something bigger than themselves, rallying together in a time of crisis with a belief in themselves, their coach, and teammates.
In The Road Less Stupid, Keith Cunningham says, “Thinking is critical to sustainable success in business, said another way, business is intellectual sport … need to think! … knowledge and insights to support you in being thoughtful about your decisions and decision-making process prior to taking action … adopt discipline of thinking time … avoid paying a dumb tax … If you want to do better, you must get better. People do not do better because they want to do better, they do better because they get better. You cannot achieve a new outcome without learning something new and practicing what you learned, probably outside your comfort zone. A commitment to mastery, improving, is essential for excellence.”
Cunningham’s “discipline of thinking time” aligns with a key takeaway from Good to Great by Jim Collins. Disciplined thought is being honest about the facts and avoid getting sidetracked. Disciplined action is understanding what is important to achieve and what isn’t. First disciplined thought, then disciplined action.
Brene’ Brown supports that courage and vulnerability always go together, stating “you can never be courageous without being vulnerable.” She expounds “true leadership requires nothing but vulnerability, values, trust and resilience.” Brown explains “clarity and honesty in communication with your team is kindness” and essential for leaders to build credibility, relationships, trust, and values.
Great leaders inspire themselves and people to act based on values. According to Simon Sinek, your “why” is your belief, cause, purpose, and values. Those who inspire themselves and people have a sense of purpose or belonging that has little to do with external incentive or benefit gained. He says, “No matter where we go, we trust those with whom we are able to perceive common values or beliefs. We are drawn to leaders and organizations that are good at communicating what they believe. Their ability to make us feel like we belong, to make us feel special, safe and not alone is part of what gives them the ability to inspire us.”
Leadership authority James Hunter in The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership says “Everything you need to know about leadership you already know. It all boils down to one simple little rule you learned a long time ago. And that simple rule is to treat people the way you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule. You know, be the boss you wish your boss would be, the parent you wish your parent had been more fully for you, the neighbor you wish your neighbor would be. Today, I am not here to instruct you. Today, I am here to remind you.”
Tony Robbins provides inspirational leadership that changes habits and improves individual and organizational performance. He is arguably one of America’s most recognized personal development coaches having published several books and done countless trainings. A few relevant quotes, he say’s “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” “Every problem is a gift, because without problems we would not grow.” “A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” “You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.” “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” “Anytime you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.” “Stay committed to your decisions but always stay flexible in your approach.” “Lead with your heart, not your brain.” “Where focus goes, energy flows.”
This quote by Dan Millman in, Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives, very accurately says “To rid yourself of old patterns, focus all of your energy not fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Inspiring safety leaders create new habits that improve personal performance and professional profits. It is based on a belief system that change is possible with a disciplined commitment to consistent development, growth, learning, and practice on an individual and organizational level. With the ability to consciously control our breath and focus thought combined with an authentic self, sense of humor, desire for knowledge, we can embrace different perspectives, better interpret meaning, have a passion for life, and love helping people be their best. Inspirational safety leaders are not born, they advance through actions leading first by example and applying CLP principles to be the finest version of themselves and aiding others. Repetition is the mother of skill, and constant practice is the father of excellence!
References and Resources
Ashby, F. Gregory, Turner, Benjamin O., and Horvitz, Jon C. Cortical and Basal Ganglia Contributions to Habit Learning and Automaticity (2010).
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Collins, Jim. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t (2012).
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Dungy, Tony. The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently (2012).
Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit, Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (2012).
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Rosenberg, Julie. Breathe Your Way to Better Leadership, Getting Through Life and Work’s Unexpected Surprises (2018).
Maxwell, John C. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (2007).
McKinsey Organizational Health Index (2015).
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Sinek, Simon. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (2009).
The Role Of Communication And Listening In Leadership rship_vanengen_2012.pdf
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